Friday 28 February 2014


1)How to Boost Confidence

The first motivation killer is lack of confidence.

 When this happens to me, it's usually because
 I'm focusing entirely on what I want and neglecting 
what I already have. When you only think about what 
you want, your mind creates explanations for why you 
aren't getting it.The way to get out of this thought
 pattern is to focus on gratitude. Set aside time to
 focus on everything positive in you life. Make a 
mental list of your strengths, past successes, and 
current advantages.This will rejuvenate your 
confidence and get you motivated to build on your 
current success.

2)Developing Tangible Focus

The second motivation killer is lack of focus. 

How often do you focus on what you don't 
want, rather than on a concrete goal? We
 normally think in terms of fear. I'm afraid
 no one will respect me. I'm afraid of being 
alone. If you're caught up in fear based thinking,
the first step is focusing that energy on a well 
defined goal. By defining a goal, you automatically
 define a set of actions. If you have a fear of poverty,
 create a plan to increase your income. The key 
is moving from an intangible desire to concrete, 
measurable steps.

3)Developing Direction

The final piece in he motivational puzzle is direction. 

If focus means having an ultimate goal, direction
 is having a day-to-day strategy to achieve it. 
A lack of direction kills motivation because without
 an obvious next action we succumb to procrastination.
 The key to finding direction is identifying the activities 
that lead to success. For every goal, there are activities 
that pay off and those that don't. Make a list of all your
 activities and arrange them based on result. Then
 make an action plan that focuses on the activities
 that lead to big returns.


Staying motivate is a struggle_our drive is 
constantly assaulted by negative thoughts and 
anxiety about the future. Everyone faces doubt 
and depression. What separates the highly 
successful is the ability to keep
 moving forward.

There is no simple solution for a lack of motivation. 
Even after beating it, the problem reappears at the 
first sign or failure. The key is understanding your 
thoughts and how they drives your emotions.By 
learning how to nurture motivating thoughts, 
neutralize negative ones and focus on the task
 at hand, you can pull yourself out of a 
slump before it gains momentum.

Reasons We Lose MOTIVATION

There are 3 primary reasons why we lose our motivation..

1) Lack of confidence - If you don't believe you can succeed, 
what's the point in trying?

2) Lack of focus - If you don't know what you want, 
do you really want anything?

3) Lack of direction - If you don't know what to do,
 how can you be motivated to do it?


No one can motivate everyone to do anything. All a person can do 
for another is provide them with incentives to motivate themselves.
 Here are ten very effective strategies to help you get up 
and get moving toward actualizing your enormous,
untapped potential.

1) Be willing to leave your comfort zone. The greatest barrier
 to achieving yourpotential is your comfort zone. 
Great things happen when you make friends with 
your discomfort zone
2) Don't be afraid to make mistakes. Wisdom helps us
 avoid making mistakesand comes from making a
 million of them.

3) Don't indulge in self-limiting thinking. They empowering, 
expensive thoughts.

4) Choose to be happy. Happy people are easily motivated. 
Happiness is your birthright so don't settle for 
anything else.

5) Spend at least one hour a day in self-development. 
Read good books or listen to inspiring tapes.Driving to and from
 work provides an excellent opportunity to listen to 
self-improvement tapes.

6) Train yourself to finish what you start. So many of 
us become scattered as we try to accomplish a task.
 Finish one task before you begin another.

7) Live fully in the present moment. When you live
 in the past or the future you aren't able to make things 
happen in the present.

8) Commit yourself to joy C.S Lewis once said,
 "Joy is the serious business of heaven".

9) Never quit when you are experience a setback or
 frustration. Success could be just around the corner.

10) Dare to dream big dreams. If there is anything
 to the law of expectation then we are moving in the 
direction of our dreams, goals and expectations.

The real tragedy in life is not in how much we suffer, 
but rather in how much we miss, so don't miss a thing.
Charles Dubois once said,"We must be prepared, 
at any moment, to sacrifice for who are capable 
of becoming."

Thursday 27 February 2014


Getting in mindset

Being self-motivated means being ready for driven, focused discussion and behaviour. It also means being sharp and smart enough not to be manipulated and to be open to positive learning. Being in this state of mind is the challenge! luckily you have every tool at your disposal to get started right now.

Get Positive
It's pretty hard to get anything done when we're stuck 
on thoughts like,"Ugh, life sucks and it's raining." 
Thoughts like those make uswant to just curl  up in our beds 
until someone physically drags us out. You can't do that! 
Positive thoughts are the only way you'll even find motivation
 in the first place. If you find yourself thinking negative thoughts, 
just stop. Don't finish it. Divert your motivation! 
This task in front of you? It's totally doable and you have 
the abilities to do it. Any other thinking will keep
 you from even trying.

Get Confident

Along with thinking positive about your word,
you gotta think positive about you. If you think you're 
incapable, it'll seriously put a damper on the amount of 
effort you give this task. Why would you bother doing
 something you don't  think you can do? Exactly. 
You won't. To get started, count your successes.
 What do you have going for you? What have you done
 in the past that was owesome? What resources do you
 have at you disposal? Think all the things you've
 achieved in the past. For what reason would you 
not be able to achieve what you want now?! 
You've done similar things before.

Get Hungry

When Les Brown talks about motivation, 
he repeats over and over, "You'll gotta be hungry!" 
What he's saying here is that you have to actually want it.
 You can't imagine a life without it. Thinking something
  would be nice, being full of velleities won't get you anywhere.
 Want it. If you don't really , really want it, what are you
 doing trying to motivate yourself? Sometimes it involves
 a little twisting to convince yourself that you want it. 
Struggling getting to work? Well, is that a path
 to anything else? If you've been really hankering 
for a vocation to Hawaii, think about it like that.
 You really, really wanna get to Hawaii-- 
and working will get you there. It's lot easier to do 
something you don't wanna to do when you have
 a purpose in mind-- a purpose that you are hungry for.

Know setbacks will happen

It's important to go into a behavior
 (possibly even a lifelong habit) knowing that there are 
will failures along the way. Being a perfectionist about
 yourself will just leave your frustrated and tempted 
to give up. There will be times when you fail. 
You just have to know that you're capable of getting back 
up and better yet, that you will. Your failures or setbacks
 have nothing to do with you and everything to do with you
 and everything to do with being human. They happen. 
Sometimes they'll happen because of you 
(not every decision can be stellar), but sometimes they'll 
happen because of circumstances that are beyond your control. 
Going into this with a level head will benefit 
you greatly in the long run.


Staying motivated and productive can be tricky when you’re expected to keep your own creative fire burning strong. Freelancers and independent-minded agency staff are relied upon for their initiative and ability to “self-start”. Even more is expected of senior creatives who not only have their own role to consider, but also the health and future of their enterprise.The prospect of losing your motivation is a scary thing _more so when you don't have a plan in place for getting back into your groove. But everyone’s drive to push forward slows at some point. How will you cope when it happens to you? To minimize any fallout from burning out, it’s worth your time to rediscover what motivates you and your strategy to stay fresh.

What Motivates You

Do you know what drives you? It’s surprising how few of us do. Often, where we end up isn’t where we expected to be. But there’s always a reason why we say “yes” to opportunities, no matter how unexpected they are. We make decisions based on what we want, and it’s not always apparent what that desire is or where it comes from.Your responsibility to yourself is just to know why you want to do what you do.

Why We Burn Out
There isn’t one simple reason for why we lose our motivation. Often, it’s simply because you don’t know what drives you in the first place (see above). But even if you know your career goals thoroughly and have planned step-by-step actions for how to achieve them, there are always factors beyond your control that can hasten feelings of burning out.
How to Stay Motivated
The key to staying motivated is in taking ownership over the role you’ve got right now, not the one you want in five years. That takes special awareness to why you’re working where you are, and the potential threats to your motivation. Once you’ve locked those down, you’re in a much better position to give yourself a pep talk should you start feeling burnt out.

A solid pep talk goes something like this:
  • ·         State your goals (“I want ____”). Be realistic and keep focused on what you think you should be able to achieve in your current position.
  • ·         Name the stakes, or what you stand to gain by achieving those goals. Or, conversely, what you stand to lose_though negatives aren't always successful motivators.
  • ·         Identify milestones you must hit, regardless of how significant you think each one is in the big picture. It’s difficult to achieve your goals if you aren’t accountable to your plan for achieving them.
  • ·         Reward yourself for every bit of success. Whether it’s a few cocktails or a new pair of pants, it’s extremely important that you tell yourself you’re on track. A positive mindset is the greatest motivator.