Wednesday 5 March 2014


Entitled 'Anyway'

People are unreasonable, illogical and self-centered.
Love them anyway.

If you do good, people will accuse you selfish ulterior motives.
Do good anyway.

If you are successful, you will win false friends and true enemies.
Succeed anyway.

Honesty and frankness make you vulnerable.
Be honest and frank anyway.

The good you do today will be forgotten tomorrow.
Do good anyway.

The biggest people with the biggest ideas can be shot down
by the smallest people with the smallest mind.
Think big anyway.

People favor underdogs but follow only top dogs.
Fight for some underdogs anyway.

What you spent years building may be destroyed overnight.
Build anyway.

Give the word the best you have and you'll get kicked in the teeth.
Give the world the best you've got anyway.


"Believe in yourself and all that you are...
know that there is something inside you 
that is greater than any obstacle.."

"If people are trying to bring you down,
it only means you are above them.."

"you'll never be brave,
if you don't get hurt..
you'll never learn, 
if you don't make mistakes..
you'll never be successful,
if you don't encounter failure.."


The first thing to get clear on, is that becoming the person you want to be is not an outside search. You will not find your self-love in the affection you get from your partner, you will not find your confidence in the title you hold at work, and you will not find your true abundance in the amount of money in your bank account. The qualities that you wish to embody need to be created from the inside out. You will not find yourself amazing because you're the most popular person at your school.


1) The secret to becoming all you want to be lies in remembering that you are already everything you want to be. 

Everything you desire is already inside of you, and all of the resources you need to create it are inside of you too. What you are looking for is not out there in the world that you see. If your level of self-love, confidence or abundance is dependent on circumstances that are external to you, then you will live in constant fear of them being taken away. True inner power comes from believing that the the source of all that you desire to become, is within you.

2) Let go of everything inside of you that is blocking you from being the person you want to be. 

Let go of the stories. + Let go of the excuses. + Let go of the reasons why you can't. + Let go of the feeling of not being good enough. + Let go of your fear. + Let go of everything that is not who you want to be.

3) You already have all the answers. 

You are already the beautiful, confident, successful, abundant, happy person that you long to be. All that prevents that part of you being expressed are the blocks you have created inside of you. All you have to do is release whatever it is that is blocking you from connecting with that part of you now.

4) Overcome what is blocking you. 

Be willing to go deeper: Very deep. Very very deep inside. Sometimes it feels easier to keep our focus outside of us, and look for self-worth in external circumstances. In some strange way, we enjoy being able to manipulate and control the outer world, more so than having to turn inwards to do the deeper work. Many of us are afraid of going deep inside ourselves. Doing this means facing those parts of you that perhaps you do not feel proud of. However, it is through loving and accepting these parts, that they can then be healed.

5) Remember you are already complete. 

Many people feel overwhelmed by the feeling of not being good enough. There is an illusion that exists in our minds, that we are incomplete in some way. That we are broken, and need fixing. That there is something missing in our life and it is our job to find out what it is. It is important to remember that there is nothing wrong with you, and this belief that you are somehow flawed is a block that you need to release.

6) Listen for the answers within you. 

Too many of us ignore the soft inner calling of our intuition which loves and adores us. It reminds us to just relax and trust. You see, there is often a much louder voice which booms through our minds and tell us to get to action. It prevents us from trusting ourselves, and instead lures us in to looking to the material and superficial world for all that we seek. Practice making the distinction between the harsh, critical voice that pushes you, and the soft, nurturing voice which loves and supports you. Then make a conscious choice about which one you are going to listen to.

7) Let go of thoughts that contradict your truth.
Any time you think a negative, critical, fearful or harmful thought about yourself, you are disconnecting from your truth. Your truth is that you are an amazingly beautiful, powerful, special, gifted and abundant person. Any time you tell yourself you cannot do something or have something, you are lying to yourself. Your truth is that you have the ability to become anything you wish to become. All you have to do is believe it, and you can achieve it.

8) Do the work. 

If you are aware that you have some inner blocks going on, then it is about time you did something about it. You can no longer bury your head in the sand, suppress your emotions with food or drugs and distract yourself with television and partying. Get very honest and real with yourself. Are there areas where you need to do some inner work? If so, it is time to get cracking.

9) Trust and relax. 

You do not need to continue to try and figure it all out. Or worry about how you are going to get all the things that you need. You simply need to identify what it is that is blocking you from being who you want to be right now. Once you can heal your blocks, and re-connect with those inner qualities, your actions naturally shift, the results you get naturally change.

Sunday 2 March 2014


The Challenge

Many people who don't work out regularly can rattle
 off a list of reasons why they're not motivated to exercise, 
from not understanding the benefits of activity to thoughts like;

 "I'm too busy,"

"I'm embarrassed by how I look", 

"exercising is boring",

and so on..

The folks who hold these (false) self-sabotaging 

beliefs often believe exercise doesn't matter; they don't 

enjoy it, or they simply have no interest in doing it. And really, 

who could blame them? Who would be inspired to start a physical 

activity with negative thoughts running through their head? 

A person has to believe exercise is of value in order
 to build motivation to do it.

Saturday 1 March 2014


Find out what your truly enjoy doing in your life..

Really think about what you truly enjoy and establishing 
what you truly fascinates and excites you, lets look at 
the 20 things you can do will make you feel 
energized to start your day.

1) Have your biggest dreams written and visible for you
     to see the minute you wake up.

2) Focus on what needs to be done for that day.

3) Stretch and Exercise before starting your day

4) Practice discipline to help you follow trough with your tasks.

5) Take regular breaks.

6) Call up friends and family and share your thoughts.

7) Always aim to look your best at all time.

8) Plan and take short trips abroad multiple times a year.

9) Keep improving yourself.

10) Start a personal blog and share your discoveries 
       with word.